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Students who are referred for ASTAR must:

  • are 18 (by Oct. 1st) through 21 years of age (ending the semester of their birthdate).
  • reside within the boundaries of Adams 12 Five Star Schools.
  • have an active Individualized Education Plan.
  • have not received a high school diploma from any school district.
  • have met minimal academic requirements in the high school environment.
  • have a severe cognitive disability (IQ < 50 or an approximate mental age between infancy and 7 years).
  • will need full-time intensive supervision in all environments throughout adulthood.

Due to age and limitations in functional academics, these students are in need of more intensive focus in the area of transition and life skills. This includes skill building in the areas of communication, personal care, motor activities (especially for activities of daily living as well as recreation & leisure) and socialization. The high school SSN teachers should contact ASTAR to request consideration for students by the first semester of their senior year, earlier if questions arise or upon receiving students new to the District who meet the required points listed above.

Criteria for referral to the Adult Supported Transition and Recreation Program, based on assessment and data from the home and community environments gathered by the staffing team, include:

  • communication –require a communication system or more effective use of an augmentative device.
  • health – require a Health Care Plan and/or daily interventions for ongoing medical issues.
  • motor -require interventions and/or adapted equipment for significant fine/gross motor deficits.
  • Activities of Daily Living – require full or partial assistance and/or supervision for ADLs / Personal Care.
  • social skills – able to maintain safe positive behaviors that are appropriate for school and community activities and refrain from behaviors injurious to self, others or property.

Students entering the ASTAR Program should:

  • be on the waiting list for adult services from North Metro Community Services.
  • have applied for Medicaid benefits, SSI / SSDI, a Colorado ID card, Access-a-Ride etc.
  • have their parents or others as legal guardians.