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Vantage Point visits CASB Conference in Colorado Springs

Vantage Point visits CASB Conference in Colorado Springs

Every year, students from Adams 12 Five Star Schools attend the Colorado Association of School Board (CASB) Students Leadership Strand at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs in December. The purpose of the conference is for students from around the state to come together to discuss education reform from a student’s perspective. This year, students from Vantage Point High School attended to share their experiences with the Adams 12 Five Star Schools Board of Education. This unique event allows exclusive student access to board members and Superintendent Gdowski where they can share stories, aspirations, and ideas on how the Five Star District can improve for the next generation. We are very proud of our CASB students!

This story exemplifies our ELEVATE Focus Area: Outside-the-Classroom Learning. Sharing stories about how the district offers students multiple learning opportunities outside the traditional classroom providing various pathways to success.

  • Vantage Point HS